'Belief … is the central problem in the analysis of mind. … Psychology, theory of knowledge and metaphysics revolve about belief ...'

– philosopher Bertrand Russell, 1921

Belief is fundamental to human psychology, and therefore also our lives. However, the current understanding of how belief works is wrong – and not just a bit wrong, but the-Sun-goes-around-the-Earth wrong.

And just as the truth about the Sun and the Earth’s relationship had profound implications for our understanding of the cosmos, the truth about how belief works has profound implications for our understanding of human psychology, and therefore also for our lives. But this truth is so counterintuitive that it can, ironically, seem unbelievable – as did the idea that the Earth isn’t the stationary centre of the universe but sweeps around the Sun while spinning about an axis.

This ongoing series of articles reveals the truth about the psychology of belief, and its profound implications.

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